This advert is advertising Beyonces new perfume ‘heat’. The setting of the advert is a plain red background, this makes you focus on Beyonce more, if there was a very busy background you wouldn’t focus so much on her and you would be distracted. She’s wearing a revealing dress, which can interest a male audience and also a female audience because the way she looks can mean they will look like this if they buy the product. By intriguing a male audience it can convince them to buy it for a wife/girlfriend and they might think there partner will be like this if they use the product. The dress that she is wearing is red , which is a hot colour, by using red it makes the name of the perfume make more sence ‘’heat’’. Beyonce is looking straight at the audience which is a direct mode of address; this gives a stronger affect , if she was looking away the advert wouldn’t be as effective, she looks as if she is saying if you buy my perfume you can be as beautiful as me , which could appeal to female viewers. I think Beyonce starred in this advert not only because it’s her product but also because of who she is, she could’ve used an ordinary model but by doing it herself it makes the product even more popular. She is a very successful, strong and independent women…this does relate to the advert because it’s a very strong, and she looks very stern in the way she is looking towards the audience. The way Beyonce is posing is very sexually provocative, you can only see her top half, and her dress is very revealing. The lighting is very low, which makes you concentrate on Beyonce just like the plain background, by wearing a bright red dress in a dark place she stands out, if she was wearing a black dress, your eye wouldn’t be drawn to her like it is in the advert. The product isn’t very big on the page; I think this is because they want us to focus more on Beyonce leaning next to it. You can still see the Perfume but as soon as you look at the perfume you can see her. The target audience for this product is men and women because it can appeal to both…women can want to buy the product to be like Beyonce and men can want to buy the product if they want their partner to be like her. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs this ad is a part of Esteem, love/belonging and Physiological, three of these are mostly to do with sex and making people feel better about them. The persuasive techniques that this advert uses are; sex sells, because of how revealing beyonces dress is and also the way she is positioned and what she is wearing etc. beautiful people simply because they have used Beyonce instead of someone unknown and less attractive. Reward and punishment; because of the fact that it gives off the message that if you buy the perfume you will be rewarded because she you will get male attention and you will be beautiful like Beyonce. A, B and C1 are the social class categories I think this ad is aimed at. Trendies, Egoists and Groupies are the social classes it is aimed at because they either want to be accepted by others around them or want to feel better about themselves.
Got milk?
This advert is advertising the fact that milk is good for you. The setting of this ad is the sky; this is because that superman is the person advertising the milk. Superman’s facial expression is very stern; he is looking straight at us which makes the advert more effective. He also has milk on he’s top lip, which is in every got milk advert, which makes it obvious that the adverts about milk. I think they chose superman because he’s a superhero, and he’s popular. Also he’s very strong and the writing next to him says ‘’ super. That’s how milk makes you feel. The calcium makes your bones grow strong. So even if you’re not from Krypton. You can have bones of steel, Got Milk?’’ this relates to superman and shows that milk is good for you. Superman is standing typically with he’s arms folded and he’s chest out, showing that he’s strong. The lighting is quite bright, because it’s in the sky. There isn’t actually milk on the page, but the milk on he’s top lip shows what it’s about. Which I think is to make the advert different. I think the target audience for this specific got milk ad is younger children because its superman advertising it. Kids like superman and they want to be like him, mostly little boys, so this can make them want to be like him. The social class category that the advert is aimed at would be all of them (A, B, C1, C2, D, E) simply because everyone drinks milk. I think this ad would be directed to Egoists, people who are mainly concerned to get the most pleasure for themselves out of life, because of the fact that they would want to be healthy and the advert is showing that milk is healthy. In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs this ad would relate to Physiological. The persuasive techniques it uses are; Humour, because of the milk on superman’s top lip, this can make the advert memorable, because it’s humorous. Stereotypes, because of superman advertising the milk, superman is obviously being known as a strong and popular which people will notice when they see him on the advert. Also Intertextual references, again by using superman and also the text on the advert. Reward and punishment is an obvious one as the ad is saying if you drink milk you will be stronger and healthier than you are now.
1) The main difference in how the models are presented in the adverts is there body language and the message that they give off by what they are wearing and how they are positioned; in the heat advert Beyonce is wearing a revealing red dress and it leaning down, but in the got milk advert superman is standing with he’s chest out and it gives off a different message to the heat advert.
2) The target audience for the Beyonce heat advert is men and women; with life style categories I think it would be targeted at Egoists and Trendies; people that want to impress there peer group and people that want the best for themselve. The target audience for the got milk advert is everyone; but mostly children because its superman, the style categories would be puritans; because by drinking milk they have done what they have done what that are supposed to do.
3) They have different persuasive techniques, the Beyonce heat advert uses sex sells; due to the way she is wearing a revealing dress, it also uses beautiful people , because Beyonce is beautiful and if they used someone that isn’t very attractive then product wouldn’t sell as much as it does with her. The got milk advert uses Intertextual references because they use superman and it also has text talking about superman but it links to milk. Reward and punishment is also used because they say that if you drink milk then you will be strong just like superman.