Thursday, 19 January 2012

Advert Explanation.

When I look at my final advert I think I have conveyed the ideologies which are colourful – which you can see as the model is wearing bright makeup, affordable – which is shown because the model is a teenager, which shows that you don’t have to have a job and a lot of money to afford Barry m products. Overall because it has a young model and it’s colourful and there is a slogan which shows that it is a high street product. I advert appeals to my target audience which is women and teenagers because the model is young and the bright makeup that she’s wearing makes her look happy; which would make people want to buy it. Referring to Maslow’s hierchy of needs I think I have covered Esteem and also respect by others because it think when people see the advertisement they might think that when they buy Barry m then they will be bold and beautiful like it says in the slogan of the advert. I have used sex sells & beautiful people as my persuasive techniques because it will make female buyers want it more – if the model in the advert wasn’t very attractive I think the product wouldn’t sell as much. By using the model I did I have tried to make her look bold and colourful because that’s what sort of style Barry m sells…

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